Monday, December 10, 2012

Favorite Things

This Thursday is the last meeting of the fall semester.  We will be celebrating a great semester with a "Favorite Things" gift exchange.  Please bring one wrapped stocking stuffer that costs no more that $5, it should be something that is a favorite of yours.
 If you would like tickets for Disney On Ice, please bring your money on Thursday.  Tickets are $12.75 each and the show is on Friday, January 11th at 10:30am.
Jellyfish Island will be bringing HOT food and the Clownfish Cove table will be bringing COLD food. 
As a reminder, sign up for the spring semester of MOPS.  Registration is now open for new moms to join, so save your spot before child care fills up.
See you Thursday! 

Monday, November 26, 2012

November 29th

We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We are so thankful for this MOPS group and the time we get to share together.  This Thursday we have another great meeting planned with guest speaker Matt Johnson speaking about family traditions.   The Turtle Beach table will be bringing HOT food and the Starfish Pointe table will be bringing COLD food.

At our last meeting, Ginger Ciminello spoke with us about deepening our relationships.  She was wonderful!  If you would like to follow her blog, you can check it out at or if you want to check her out on facebook, you can do that here:

If you would like to purchase Disney On Ice tickets with the group, please bring a check or cash (exact change would be great) for Karen Trone.  Tickets are $12.75 each and the show is on Friday, January 11th at 10:30am. 

As a reminder, the $5 discount for spring registration is good until the end of this week.  You can follow this link to register:

If you have a friend that would like to register for MOPS, but is not currently in our group, registration will be open online starting December 1.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Slip-n-Slide: November 15

We are excited for our upcoming meeting this Thursday morning.  Guest speaker, Ginger Ciminello will be talking about cultivation relationships and friendships.  It is going to be a great meeting, that you don't want to miss! 

Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes are due this Thursday.  Hopefully you had fun packing the boxes for some special kids.  There will be a trailer out in front of the church for you to put your boxes in if they are all ready to go.  Each box should have a label on it with a check for $7 inside or the appropriate label if you paid online.

The Clownfish Cove table will be bringing HOT food and the Dolphin Bay table will be bringing COLD food.  Childcare check-in will begin at 8:45am.

As a reminder, registration for the spring semester of MOPS is open to current members with a $5 discount during the month of November.

Have a wonderful week and we will see you on Thursday!   

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Let's Get Crafty

After a nice October break we will be meeting back up again this Thursday for a morning of breakfast, friends and crafts.  It will be a great time to catch up on the last few weeks and make some cute crafts to take home.  The Starfish Pointe table will be providing HOT food and the Jellyfish Island will be providing COLD food. 
The kids in MOPPETS will be having a Harvest Party, so they are welcome to wear their costumes for the morning.  Just remember that the costume can't be too scary and no play weapons.  Check in will begin at 8:45am.
We look forward to seeing you this Thursday!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Syncronized Swimming - 9/27

Coming up on Thursday is another great MOPS meeting.  This week we will have a guest speaker to help us have more fun and less stress in raising our kids as she shares with us about Love and Logic.  We hope that everyone can take home a few tips on raising responsible children.  The Dolphin Bay table will be providing HOT food and the Turtle Beach table will be providing COLD food.  There will be a drawing for those of you that show up on time, so don't forget to put your name in the bucket when you arrive.  Childcare check-in begins at 8:45am.  We are looking forward to seeing you this Thursday!

Have a wonderful week.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Make a Splash - 9/13

We are looking forward to a great meeting this Thursday with guest speaker Kacey Frey coming to speak to us about nutrition and ideas for us to get our kids to eat good food.  The Jellyfish Island table will be bringing HOT food and the Clownfish Cove table with be providing COLD food.  Childcare check-in begins at 8:45am and we will have a drawing for those of you that show up on time. 

Last meeting Nancy Pfeifer spoke to us about party planning on a budget.  The ideas were great and the BOO blocks were fun to make.  Here is a link to her website for more ideas:

Have a great week and we will see you on Thursday.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Beach Party - 8/30

That's right, this Thursday will be a party!  Guest speaker Nancy Pfeifer will be speaking to us about party planning on a budget.  We will also be making a decoration that you can use for an upcoming holiday.  You don't want to miss it!  Childcare check-in begins at 8:45am so that we can get started at 9:00am.  There will be a drawing this week for all mom's that show up on time.  This week the Turtle Beach table will be providing HOT food and the Starfish Pointe table will be bringing the COLD food.  

We look forward to seeing you there on Thursday!

Upcoming Events:
MOPS Play date: Thursday, September 6, 9-11am in B100
MOPS Mom's Night Out: Thursday, September 20, 6:30pm at Yo Love
CCC Yahweh Yoga: Friday, September 14, 6pm in C100 ($5 for Women 18 and older)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Plunging Into the 1st Meeting

We hope you are ready to make a splash as we jump into the 2012 Fall semester of MOPS.  Our first meeting of the year will be this Thursday from 9-11am in B200.  Please come a little to early to get your kiddos to class, check-in begins at 8:45am in the church lobby.  This first meeting is a great time to meet new moms and get connected with the ladies at your table.  There will be coffee, juice, breakfast and great conversation.  We look forward to seeing you there!    

Monday, July 30, 2012

2012 Fall MOPS is almost here!

We are so excited for the upcoming fall semester of MOPS.  The theme this year is PLUNGE, "Love as if your life depended on it".  The leadership team has been working hard to put together a fun year of meetings and events.  We hope you are ready to dive in on Thursday, August 16th when we kick off the new year.  If you have not registered yet, take a moment to get signed up before the childcare fills up.  We are updating our email list and you will not receive future MOPS emails if you are not registered for the current semester.   

Take a moment to check out the updated blog with information about the Thursday MOPS group.

We look forward to seeing you all soon!
Stacie and Kristi

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Fall Registration

We hope you are enjoying the start of summer break.  The $5 discount for fall registration is open until June 14th, so click on the link below to register:

Vacation Bible School (VBS) starts tonight at Chandler Christian and we hope to see many of you there.  

On Thursday, June 14th at 7pm there will be a gathering at SOZO coffee for anyone that might be considering being a table leader next year.  For more information, contact Davona at

The circus is coming on Friday, June 29th at 10:30am.  Tickets are $12.75 per person and money is due by June 15th.  Contact Georgia for more information at

There is a playdate scheduled for Wednesday, June 20 at 10am at Jumpstreet.  Please RSVP to so we can call ahead to let them know our group size.   

Have a fun and safe summer! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Movie Night

Hello Ladies,

The movie times have been posted and we are all set to see "What to Expect When You are Expecting", at the Chandler Mall, Tuesday May 22nd at 7:40pm.  Please plan to meet in the lobby at about 7:10pm and we can all go in and find seats together.  If you are planning on coming, please let me know, so I have an idea of approximately how many seats we will need.  (

After the movie, we are planning to grab dessert and celebrate our end of the spring semester, at Cheesecake Factory.  I hope you will be able to make it to this last mom's night event as it is sure to be a great night.  

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Upcoming Events

Just a reminder on our upcoming events:

Play date - Wednesday, May 16 at 9:30am - Location has been changed to the San Tan Mall splash pad and play area, due to closure at the Gilbert splash pad

Mom's Night Out - Movie Night - Tuesday, May 22 at Harkins Chandler Mall "What to Expect When Expecting" - movie times are not released for this date yet, we will email the time

Jump Street Play date - Wednesday, June 20 at 10am

*Prayer Request*
Please pray for Mia Edge, she lost her father unexpectedly last week.  The funeral is this weekend.  There will be a meal sign up coming soon to help her and her family in this difficult time. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Last Spring Meeting

This Thursday is our final meeting of the semester.  Officer Dan Greene will be coming to speak about safety and what to do in unexpected situations.  He will be able to answer questions that you may have.  Everyone is bringing food to share, so bring one of your favorite dishes, hot or cold.  Childcare check in starts at 8:45am.  We are looking forward to seeing you Thursday!

Registration for the fall is available at a $5 discount right now, so bring a check to the meeting on Thursday or click on the link below:

It has been a great semester and we are looking forward to another fun semester in the fall.  The first meeting will be Thursday, August 16 and there is an exciting new theme!  If you are interested in getting more involved with MOPS leadership, please email Kristi ( or Stacie ( and they can answer any questions you might have. 

Steering Team

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Meeting Follow Up

This morning's meeting was great.  We are a very blessed group of women and I enjoyed hearing from mom's in different chapters of motherhood.  The theme seemed to be consistent: we are on a roller coaster ride and hopefully we can find time to put our hands up and enjoy the ride!

As a reminder, we will be having a leadership meeting next Thursday, April 26 at 9am for anyone that is interested in leadership for next year.  Leadership includes DGL positions (table leader) or Steering Team positions.  Please email Kristi ( or Stacie ( if you plan to attend.  We will answer questions about roles and responsibilities as well as let you see how our meetings usually work.

Next Tuesday there is a play date at Chuparosa park at 9:30am.  There is a splash pad there, so you might want to bring a swim suit for the kids.

Our last meeting of the semester is Thursday, May 3.  Everyone will provide food that morning.  Your choice on hot or cold, just bring something that you like!

Registration is currently open for next semester with a $5 discount.  You can go online or bring a check to the next meeting for $50.

Have a great weekend!
Steering Team

Monday, April 16, 2012

Breakfast and Blessings

This Thursday we will be having another wonderful MOPS meeting as we share our Breakfast and Blessings.  We only have two meetings left this semester, so we hope that you can make it this week.  The Steering Team will be providing food for the morning.  Childcare check-in begins at 8:45am and we will get started at 9:00am.  We look forward to seeing you Thursday!

Steering Team

Don't forget to check out the blog ( for upcoming events. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 5th Meeting

We hope you all had a nice spring break and you are ready for a great MOPS meeting this week.  On Thursday we will be having our Chutes & Ladders meeting.  Police officer, Dan Greene will be there discussing safety and what to do in unexpected circumstances.  If you have any personal scenarios or something specific you would like him to address, please email Kristi at  The Clue table will be providing HOT food and the Scrabble Jr. table will be providing COLD food.  Childcare check in begins at 8:45am so that we can get started at 9:00am.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Steering Team

Remember to check the blog for upcoming events:

If you are not on the yahoo groups email list and would like to be added, please email Kristi.  The meal sign ups for new mom's go out on yahoo groups as well as any other emails that mom's would like to send to the entire group.  At the first meeting when you filled out the information page, there was a spot to be added to the email list, so if you selected not to, you have not been added. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Family Skate Night at Skateland!

We hope you are enjoying spring break with your families!
We just wanted to send out a quick reminder about the upcoming family skate night event happening this coming Monday at Skateland.

Monday, March 26
Family Skate Night @ Skateland in Chandler ( corner of Ray Rd and Alma School Rd)
Admission is FREE
Skate rental is additional
Regular skates $3.00 roller blade or speed skates $4.00  Skate mates to help kids skate $5.00 for entire session.
Food packages 

$3.00 1 slice of pizza 1 soda
$8.00 Unlimited pizza and soda 


We need to get an updated head count so please email your DGL's to let them know if you are planning to attend.

We hope to see you there!
-Steering Team

Monday, March 5, 2012

March 8th Meeting

This Thursday is another wonderful MOPS morning!  We will get CRAFTY, enjoy some breakfast, and have a great time with our girl friends.  The Trivial Pursuit table will be providing HOT food and the Candyland table will be providing COLD food.  Bring your kids at 8:45am to get checked in and we will get started at 9am. 

Check the blog for the latest information:

Monday, February 20, 2012

February 23rd Meeting

We hope you all enjoyed the three day weekend with your family.  This Thursday we will be having our "Monopoly" meeting.  Our guest speaker, Mike Gauthier will be there to discuss financial strategies to get your family on track for success.  The Scrabble Jr. table will be bringing HOT food and the Sorry table will be bringing COLD food.  If you have slippers for Lily's Slipper Drive, please bring them this week.  Childcare check in begins at 8:45am so we can get started at 9:00am.  We look forward to seeing you this week!

For up-to-date information, please check the blog at

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Slipper Drive

This is the information about the slipper drive we announced today.  You can bring them to the next MOPS meeting and we will get the slippers to Lori.  Here is the information from Lori:

Attention all Shoppers! Lilly needs your help!
After our recent stay at Phoenix Children's Hospital, it became apparent children need slippers! The other children in the hematology/oncology floor were quite taken with Lilly's Hello Kitty slippers. Many of the children walk up and down the halls pushing their IV poles wearing pajamas and socks. Lilly believes they all need slippers! When we arrived at Target tonight, all of the children's slippers were 70% off!!! Spongebob, Hello Kitty, Smurfs, Spiderman, Cars, hearts and more were $2.98 per pair. We are staring our SLIPPER DRIVE with the 37 pairs we bought tonight. Let's see how many slippers we can donate to the patients at Phoenix Children's Hospital. If you want to help, email me for a mailing address ( Thanks in advance! Any size, especially XS, S, M for boys and girls are appreciated. Slippers must be new.

We will donate the slippers in honor of Hannah Huckfeldt, Lilly's best friend, who became an angel in April 2011. Hannah was also a patient in the hematology/oncology center at PCH.
Thanks in advance!