Thursday, April 19, 2012

Meeting Follow Up

This morning's meeting was great.  We are a very blessed group of women and I enjoyed hearing from mom's in different chapters of motherhood.  The theme seemed to be consistent: we are on a roller coaster ride and hopefully we can find time to put our hands up and enjoy the ride!

As a reminder, we will be having a leadership meeting next Thursday, April 26 at 9am for anyone that is interested in leadership for next year.  Leadership includes DGL positions (table leader) or Steering Team positions.  Please email Kristi ( or Stacie ( if you plan to attend.  We will answer questions about roles and responsibilities as well as let you see how our meetings usually work.

Next Tuesday there is a play date at Chuparosa park at 9:30am.  There is a splash pad there, so you might want to bring a swim suit for the kids.

Our last meeting of the semester is Thursday, May 3.  Everyone will provide food that morning.  Your choice on hot or cold, just bring something that you like!

Registration is currently open for next semester with a $5 discount.  You can go online or bring a check to the next meeting for $50.

Have a great weekend!
Steering Team