Monday, November 12, 2012

Slip-n-Slide: November 15

We are excited for our upcoming meeting this Thursday morning.  Guest speaker, Ginger Ciminello will be talking about cultivation relationships and friendships.  It is going to be a great meeting, that you don't want to miss! 

Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes are due this Thursday.  Hopefully you had fun packing the boxes for some special kids.  There will be a trailer out in front of the church for you to put your boxes in if they are all ready to go.  Each box should have a label on it with a check for $7 inside or the appropriate label if you paid online.

The Clownfish Cove table will be bringing HOT food and the Dolphin Bay table will be bringing COLD food.  Childcare check-in will begin at 8:45am.

As a reminder, registration for the spring semester of MOPS is open to current members with a $5 discount during the month of November.

Have a wonderful week and we will see you on Thursday!