Monday, April 30, 2012

Last Spring Meeting

This Thursday is our final meeting of the semester.  Officer Dan Greene will be coming to speak about safety and what to do in unexpected situations.  He will be able to answer questions that you may have.  Everyone is bringing food to share, so bring one of your favorite dishes, hot or cold.  Childcare check in starts at 8:45am.  We are looking forward to seeing you Thursday!

Registration for the fall is available at a $5 discount right now, so bring a check to the meeting on Thursday or click on the link below:

It has been a great semester and we are looking forward to another fun semester in the fall.  The first meeting will be Thursday, August 16 and there is an exciting new theme!  If you are interested in getting more involved with MOPS leadership, please email Kristi ( or Stacie ( and they can answer any questions you might have. 

Steering Team