Our MOPPETS program is critical to the success of our MOPS organization. Without the dedication of our MOPPETS volunteers and workers, we could not perform our ministry. The following are a few guidelines that are essential to the care and development of our children.

Drop Off: begins at 8:45am.

Pick Up: Please pick up your children no later than 11:15am

MOPPETS Must -Haves: Diaper bags with diapers and extra clothing. For potty Trained children: pull ups or a change of undergarments. Accidents do happen, and we want to take care of those accidents without disturbing moms in the MOPS Meetings. Bottles of formula please indicate if you are breast feeding.) sippy cups lableled with name and anything else your child may need.

Age Limit: MOPPETS is for children birth thru Kindergarten only.

No Outside Food to be brought for the protection of children. ( Baby formula is ok)

Security and RegistrationHere at MOPPETS at CCC we value the safety and security of your children. In order to reinforce that, we have a computerized registration/nametag system that randomly generates an alpha-numeric code each time you are here for an activity.

Here’s how it works. When you walk on our campus, you will be asked to complete a form with your family information.You will receive a security claim check that will match the alpha-numeric code on your child’s name tag. You will need this to pick up your child, and if your child needs you during MOPS, a MOPPETS worker will contact a member of Steering Team to let you know. **Please remember to bring this claim ticket when you come to pick up your child.
Labeling: Please label all items brought to the nursery or toddler area such as bottles, sippy cups and pacifiers. This will expedite our check-in procedure. We’d rather use this time to say “hello” to you and welcome your baby.

Sick and Well Policy:  fairness to all children, we cannot accept sick children or babies in MOPPETS. If your child is experiencing any of these symptoms, please keep them at home until they are well: fever, red eyes, green mucous, cough, cold, vomiting, diarrhea or skin rash.or younger..

Babies: As a courtesy to the other moms, we ask that only babies 6 months or younger be allowed to attend MOPS meetings if needed. MOPS is a time for all moms to relax, and crying babies prevent that. Nursing moms are welcome to nurse during our MOPS meetings.!

If you have questions, please email or call 480.963.3997

Please remember to thank our MOPPETS workers and volunteers. We really appreciate their hard work and commitment to MOPS and want them to know how important they are.