Monday, April 30, 2012

Last Spring Meeting

This Thursday is our final meeting of the semester.  Officer Dan Greene will be coming to speak about safety and what to do in unexpected situations.  He will be able to answer questions that you may have.  Everyone is bringing food to share, so bring one of your favorite dishes, hot or cold.  Childcare check in starts at 8:45am.  We are looking forward to seeing you Thursday!

Registration for the fall is available at a $5 discount right now, so bring a check to the meeting on Thursday or click on the link below:

It has been a great semester and we are looking forward to another fun semester in the fall.  The first meeting will be Thursday, August 16 and there is an exciting new theme!  If you are interested in getting more involved with MOPS leadership, please email Kristi ( or Stacie ( and they can answer any questions you might have. 

Steering Team

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Meeting Follow Up

This morning's meeting was great.  We are a very blessed group of women and I enjoyed hearing from mom's in different chapters of motherhood.  The theme seemed to be consistent: we are on a roller coaster ride and hopefully we can find time to put our hands up and enjoy the ride!

As a reminder, we will be having a leadership meeting next Thursday, April 26 at 9am for anyone that is interested in leadership for next year.  Leadership includes DGL positions (table leader) or Steering Team positions.  Please email Kristi ( or Stacie ( if you plan to attend.  We will answer questions about roles and responsibilities as well as let you see how our meetings usually work.

Next Tuesday there is a play date at Chuparosa park at 9:30am.  There is a splash pad there, so you might want to bring a swim suit for the kids.

Our last meeting of the semester is Thursday, May 3.  Everyone will provide food that morning.  Your choice on hot or cold, just bring something that you like!

Registration is currently open for next semester with a $5 discount.  You can go online or bring a check to the next meeting for $50.

Have a great weekend!
Steering Team

Monday, April 16, 2012

Breakfast and Blessings

This Thursday we will be having another wonderful MOPS meeting as we share our Breakfast and Blessings.  We only have two meetings left this semester, so we hope that you can make it this week.  The Steering Team will be providing food for the morning.  Childcare check-in begins at 8:45am and we will get started at 9:00am.  We look forward to seeing you Thursday!

Steering Team

Don't forget to check out the blog ( for upcoming events. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 5th Meeting

We hope you all had a nice spring break and you are ready for a great MOPS meeting this week.  On Thursday we will be having our Chutes & Ladders meeting.  Police officer, Dan Greene will be there discussing safety and what to do in unexpected circumstances.  If you have any personal scenarios or something specific you would like him to address, please email Kristi at  The Clue table will be providing HOT food and the Scrabble Jr. table will be providing COLD food.  Childcare check in begins at 8:45am so that we can get started at 9:00am.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Steering Team

Remember to check the blog for upcoming events:

If you are not on the yahoo groups email list and would like to be added, please email Kristi.  The meal sign ups for new mom's go out on yahoo groups as well as any other emails that mom's would like to send to the entire group.  At the first meeting when you filled out the information page, there was a spot to be added to the email list, so if you selected not to, you have not been added.