Monday, September 15, 2014

Friendship - September 18

Get excited for a great MOPS meeting this Thursday!  Guest speaker, Susan Miller will be joining us to talk about friendship.  We go through different chapters in life; some with a lot of friends and some with not so many friends.  It is important to have some good friends in your life and Susan will be sharing about those friendships this week.  You won't want to miss her talk this week.

The Esther table will be bring HOT food and the Rehab table will be bringing COLD food.  Childcare check in begins at 8:45am.  As we head into cold and flu season (boo!), make sure to keep your kids home if they have a fever, red eyes, green mucous, cough, cold, vomiting, diarrhea or skin rash.

Upcoming events:
September 25 - MOPS play date at The Bridge with bounce house and snacks (FREE event)
October 20 - MNO - craft and dessert night 7pm at Chandler Christian Church
*If you signed up for Disney Live tickets, please bring your money on Thursday