Monday, November 10, 2014

Expectations vs. Reality

This Thursday we have a fantastic speaker coming to speak with us about Expectations vs. Reality.  Ginger Ciminello is an author and speaker, that you will surely enjoy.
The Rehab table will be bringing HOT food this week and the Esther table will be bringing COLD food. Childcare check in begins at 8:45am, so we can get started at 9am.

We have a mom's night out planned for Monday, December 1 at Liberty Market in Gilbert.  We will be having a scarf exchange ($10 max), so keep your eye out for a good deal.

We look forward to seeing all of you this week!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Fall Fun

Fall is here.....well, it may not feel like it outside, but we are still celebrating this week.  On Thursday, we have a great craft planned, it will be something great to take home and use in your home!  The kids ages 2 and up will also be celebrating with a harvest party, so they can wear their costumes if they would like.  We will also be learning a little more about Operation Christmas Child as we get ready to pack some shoeboxes.  It is going to be a fun morning!
The Mary table is going to be bringing HOT food this week and the Ruth table will be bringing COLD food. 

This Thursday evening there is also Trunk or Treat from 5:30-7:30pm in the church parking lot.  There will be a petting zoo, food trucks, live entertainers, a firetruck and lots of trick or treating. 

We look forward to seeing you all this week!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Let's Talk About Safety

It has been almost a month since we last had a MOPS meeting, but this Thursday we will have a chance to get together and catch up.  We will be discussing safety this week with Rashidi Johnson, a Tempe police officer.  This week we will be having a cereal bar for breakfast.  Child care check in begins at 8:45am, so that we can get started at 9am. 

Upcoming events:
MNO - craft night - October 20th at 7pm - bring your own craft or $5 for craft supplies
***If you signed up for a letter to make, please bring your money THIS THURSDAY***

We look forward to seeing you this week!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Friendship - September 18

Get excited for a great MOPS meeting this Thursday!  Guest speaker, Susan Miller will be joining us to talk about friendship.  We go through different chapters in life; some with a lot of friends and some with not so many friends.  It is important to have some good friends in your life and Susan will be sharing about those friendships this week.  You won't want to miss her talk this week.

The Esther table will be bring HOT food and the Rehab table will be bringing COLD food.  Childcare check in begins at 8:45am.  As we head into cold and flu season (boo!), make sure to keep your kids home if they have a fever, red eyes, green mucous, cough, cold, vomiting, diarrhea or skin rash.

Upcoming events:
September 25 - MOPS play date at The Bridge with bounce house and snacks (FREE event)
October 20 - MNO - craft and dessert night 7pm at Chandler Christian Church
*If you signed up for Disney Live tickets, please bring your money on Thursday


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fun Ideas for September

Check out this September calendar that our events coordinator, Karla put together.  We will have some paper copies at the meeting on Thursday if you would like one.  There are a lot of great things happening this month.  Can you believe it is already September????

What's Cookin'?

Hey beautiful MOPS ladies!
It is time to get BRAVE in the kitchen. This week we will be learning some great tips about food prep and freezer meals. Alexis Cabrera will be here to share some ideas and recipes with us. Speaking of food.....the Ruth table will be bringing HOT food and the Mary table will be bringing COLD food. You can ask your table leader for meal ideas or check out Pinterest for new recipe ideas.
Remember that check in begins at 8:45am so we can get the meeting started at 9am. It is going to be a great morning together!

Bring your extra buttons for a future craft. Any color, any size, we will take them all!

Check out the blog at to keep up to date with events and information.

MOPS play date at the Bridge on September 25 at 9am.

Mom's Night Out craft night on October 20th.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Be You Bravely!

Summer break is coming to an end and though outside it is still summer (and will be for awhile!), the fall semester for MOPS is here!  We will BRAVELY kick off the year this Thursday morning from 9-11am in B200.  We are looking forward to making new friends, learning new things and becoming better moms.  And like MOPS International says, "better moms make a better world". 

With more registrations coming in, table assignments are still getting worked out.  Table leaders will most likely get their assignments on Tuesday and contact you Wednesday.  Thursday morning, plan to arrive at 8:45am to check your kids into the correct classes.  Head into the church lobby for check in, then upstairs to room B200 for our meeting.  (There will be people around to help direct you if you are new).  There will be breakfast provided for all of you wonderful ladies, as well as coffee and juice. 

The Theme for MOPS this year is "Be You Bravely" and we will be looking at this more at our first meeting.  Here is the theme verse for the year:
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wastelandIsaiah 43:18-19   (NIV)

You should have received an email invitation to join the yahoo group email list.  We use this to communicate throughout the year, so take a minute to join the group.  The blog: is a great way to check up on imporatant dates and information.
We are so excited to meet each of you this week!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Last Meeting - Spa Day

The final meeting of the semester is this week and it is a time to get pampered.  We will have chair massages available, a place to paint your nails, a make-up artist to answer questions and more. It has been a great year and we hope that you have all enjoyed your time in MOPS.  Everyone is to bring a food item to share for breakfast.  We are looking forward to celebrating a great year with each of you!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Breakfast and Blessings

This Thursday is a special Breakfast and Blessings meeting where we get to embrace the MOPS theme and share our story.  It will be a great meeting for us to reflect on all of the ways that God has blessed us, even in the mess of motherhood.  Breakfast will be catered this week.  We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday.

Upcoming events:
Mom's Night Out Movie at Chandler Mall - Monday, May 12
Circus - Friday, June 27 at 11am (ticket money due May 14)

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 24th

"As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed.  "Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen!" -Mark 16:5-6

We hope that you all had a nice Easter weekend, celebrating the resurrection.  This week we will have another great MOPS meeting with speaker Mike Gauthier talking to us about Truth in Financial Planning.  He will share some simple steps to get our finances on the right path with a firm foundation.  The Dazzling Chaos table will be providing HOT food and the Marvelous Wreck table will be bringing COLD food.

We look forward to seeing you all this week!

Upcoming Events:

Pretty With a Purpose - Spring Tea and Fashion Show - April 26 10-12:30
As women, we are uniquely created with threads of compassion and love flowing through our veins. Come share the love and freedom that Christ has shown to you by empowering oppressed women and children from around the world, who desperately need us to show love to them. We will be featuring clothing and accessories in our fashion show that are designed and produced by women most at risk of extreme poverty, trafficking, and other forms of exploitation.  Please consider joining us for this morning of eclectic food, fashion & decor with an international flair! 

Mom's Night Out - Movie Night - Chandler Mall - time is TBT
All Allyson and her friends want is a peaceful, grown-up evening of dinner and conversation . . . a long-needed moms' night out. But in order to enjoy high heels, adult conversation and food not served in a paper bag, they need their husbands to watch the kids for three hours—what could go wrong? MOMS' NIGHT OUT is an endearing true-to-life family comedy that celebrates the beautiful mess called parenting.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Got Questions?

After having several weeks off for Spring Break, we are excited to get back together this Thursday!  Do you have questions for your doctor that you haven't been able to ask?  This Thursday is your chance to ask these questions.  Doctor Susan Kudlinski (OB/GYN) will be here to answer all of our questions.  There will be a box to put your anonymous questions in, so think about them now.  The Gorgeous Shambles table will be providing HOT food this week and the Exquisite Clutter table will be providing COLD food. 

Upcoming Events:
Thursday April 10th - MNO Bunnies & Bunco Night 7pm
Sunday, April 6 - World's Largest Potluck 4pm -
Sunday, April 13 - Easter Egg Hunt -

Monday, March 3, 2014

MOPS Baby Shower Meeting for PCC of Chandler

Hi MOPS Moms,
We have another great meeting planned , our Baby Shower to benefit the Pregnancy Care Center of Chandler.  

Leadership Team will be providing breakfast this week.  Mary from the PCC will be there to share with us about the center and the services it provides to the community. We have some fun games planned as well as a super cute craft.  So be ready to come fellowship, have some fun and get your craft on!

Check in for childcare starts at 8:45.

Just a reminder we are collecting donations of:

  • New baby clothes (6mo and up)
  • Gift cards of $10
  • Snacks for preschoolers (goldfish or animal crackers)
For more info on the PCC of chandler click on the link:

See you Thursday!

Monday, February 17, 2014

February 20

Hi MOPS ladies!  This Thursday we have another great meeting planned for all of you. Our speaker this week will be discussing how our food affects mood and behavior, especially in our children. She will share her story and give us information on how we can help our kids with what we feed them.  The Marvelous Wreck table will be providing HOT food this week and the Dazzling Chaos table will be bringing COLD food. Child care check in begins at 8:45am so that we can get started at 9:00am. We look forward to seeing you this week.

Upcoming Events:
Monday, February 24 - Scavenger Hunt MNO at Chandler Mall - 7pm
Thursday, February 27 - Free play date at Great Play -10am
Thursday, March 6 - MOPS meeting - baby shower to benefit the Pregnancy Care Center of Chandler
We are asking for donations of:
New baby clothes (6mo and up)
Gift cards of $10
Snacks for preschoolers (goldfish or animal crackers)

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 6

We have another great MOPS meeting planned for this Thursday.  Paster Jason Fox will coming to speak to us about relationships.  This week the Exquisite Clutter table will be providing HOT food and the Gorgeous Shambles table will be bringing COLD food.  Child care check in begins at 8:45am, so that we can get started on time. 

Upcoming events:
Monday, February 10th at 10:00am - Cookie decorating at Chuparosa Park
Monday, February 24th at 7:00pm - Scavenger Hunt Mom's Night Out at Chandler Mall

Check the blog at for all of the latest details.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all of our fabulous MOPS moms!  We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed some time with family or friends.  Our first meeting of the semester is coming up on January 23, but the leadership team is already hard at work getting the details for this semester planned.  The first meeting will be fabulous and one that has been requested for many years.  It will be "How to Dress Your Mess"...... image coach, makeover specialist, and author of Beautiful After Baby, Janice Hurley-Trailor will be coming to help all of us look our best in 2014.  You don't want to miss this meeting!!!
If you have not registered for the Spring semester yet, please do so ASAP.  We are working on table assignments and would like to save a spot for you.  If you have any friends or new mom's that are interested in our group, invite them to check it out.  Here is the link:
We look forward to seeing you all very soon!