Monday, December 2, 2013

Favorite Things

It is hard to believe, but the last MOPS meeting of 2013 is this Thursday morning.  We will be getting in the Christmas spirit and sharing our favorite things.  Please bring one of your favorite things that is about $5 for a gift exchange.  Some examples of things that you might bring are: a gift card to a favorite place, beauty product, a yummy treat, etc.  Bring your item wrapped and we will have a fun gift exchange.  We will be making a cute Christmas ornament and enjoying some time with our girl friends before Christmas arrives.  EVERYONE will be bringing food this week for breakfast.  

Reminder: Disney On Ice ticket orders are due by tomorrow (December 3rd) to Alexis.  Please email her if you would like tickets:  The show is Friday, January 10th at 10:30am

The Women's Christmas Dinner is this Thursday and Friday night from 6-9pm with guest Gwen Smith.  It should be a great event.  For more information and tickets:

There are only a couple of days left to save $5 off your spring registration fee.  Register before December 7th to save.  Mops Spring 2014 Registration