Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Intentional Women Event

Chandler Christian Church is hosting a great women's event this weekend.  You can check out the information below. 

Intentional Woman

Ladies, we have great responsibilities and great privileges. How do you control what you do that will matter and keep you happy, as well as those around you who depend on you. There are times we are not able to keep charge of our time, schedules, activities so instead of being frustrated why not be intentional; control what you can and let go of that which is giving you heartburn. Women’s Ministry would like to invite you to participate in a plan to help you move forward, and help you help your family be intentional. February 1 & 2, 2013, could be a pivotal moment in your year! Join us for a concert by JJ Heller and guest speaker, Joan Webb, co-author of The Intentional Woman.
February 1 & 2, 2013
Worship Center
February 1, 6pm-9pm
February 2, 8am-12pm
Register Now

Speaker Joan Webb

Joan C. Webb is a speaker and author who has written thirteen books including The Intentional Woman, The Relief of Imperfection and a four book devotional series for children. As a Life Coach who specializes in working with writers and communicators, Joan helps set people free to become who they were designed to be and from what holds them back. www.joancwebb.com

JJ Heller
