Sunday, August 17, 2014

Be You Bravely!

Summer break is coming to an end and though outside it is still summer (and will be for awhile!), the fall semester for MOPS is here!  We will BRAVELY kick off the year this Thursday morning from 9-11am in B200.  We are looking forward to making new friends, learning new things and becoming better moms.  And like MOPS International says, "better moms make a better world". 

With more registrations coming in, table assignments are still getting worked out.  Table leaders will most likely get their assignments on Tuesday and contact you Wednesday.  Thursday morning, plan to arrive at 8:45am to check your kids into the correct classes.  Head into the church lobby for check in, then upstairs to room B200 for our meeting.  (There will be people around to help direct you if you are new).  There will be breakfast provided for all of you wonderful ladies, as well as coffee and juice. 

The Theme for MOPS this year is "Be You Bravely" and we will be looking at this more at our first meeting.  Here is the theme verse for the year:
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wastelandIsaiah 43:18-19   (NIV)

You should have received an email invitation to join the yahoo group email list.  We use this to communicate throughout the year, so take a minute to join the group.  The blog: is a great way to check up on imporatant dates and information.
We are so excited to meet each of you this week!