Monday, May 19, 2014

Last Meeting - Spa Day

The final meeting of the semester is this week and it is a time to get pampered.  We will have chair massages available, a place to paint your nails, a make-up artist to answer questions and more. It has been a great year and we hope that you have all enjoyed your time in MOPS.  Everyone is to bring a food item to share for breakfast.  We are looking forward to celebrating a great year with each of you!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Breakfast and Blessings

This Thursday is a special Breakfast and Blessings meeting where we get to embrace the MOPS theme and share our story.  It will be a great meeting for us to reflect on all of the ways that God has blessed us, even in the mess of motherhood.  Breakfast will be catered this week.  We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday.

Upcoming events:
Mom's Night Out Movie at Chandler Mall - Monday, May 12
Circus - Friday, June 27 at 11am (ticket money due May 14)