Monday, March 31, 2014

Got Questions?

After having several weeks off for Spring Break, we are excited to get back together this Thursday!  Do you have questions for your doctor that you haven't been able to ask?  This Thursday is your chance to ask these questions.  Doctor Susan Kudlinski (OB/GYN) will be here to answer all of our questions.  There will be a box to put your anonymous questions in, so think about them now.  The Gorgeous Shambles table will be providing HOT food this week and the Exquisite Clutter table will be providing COLD food. 

Upcoming Events:
Thursday April 10th - MNO Bunnies & Bunco Night 7pm
Sunday, April 6 - World's Largest Potluck 4pm -
Sunday, April 13 - Easter Egg Hunt -

Monday, March 3, 2014

MOPS Baby Shower Meeting for PCC of Chandler

Hi MOPS Moms,
We have another great meeting planned , our Baby Shower to benefit the Pregnancy Care Center of Chandler.  

Leadership Team will be providing breakfast this week.  Mary from the PCC will be there to share with us about the center and the services it provides to the community. We have some fun games planned as well as a super cute craft.  So be ready to come fellowship, have some fun and get your craft on!

Check in for childcare starts at 8:45.

Just a reminder we are collecting donations of:

  • New baby clothes (6mo and up)
  • Gift cards of $10
  • Snacks for preschoolers (goldfish or animal crackers)
For more info on the PCC of chandler click on the link:

See you Thursday!