Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all of our fabulous MOPS moms!  We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed some time with family or friends.  Our first meeting of the semester is coming up on January 23, but the leadership team is already hard at work getting the details for this semester planned.  The first meeting will be fabulous and one that has been requested for many years.  It will be "How to Dress Your Mess"...... image coach, makeover specialist, and author of Beautiful After Baby, Janice Hurley-Trailor will be coming to help all of us look our best in 2014.  You don't want to miss this meeting!!!
If you have not registered for the Spring semester yet, please do so ASAP.  We are working on table assignments and would like to save a spot for you.  If you have any friends or new mom's that are interested in our group, invite them to check it out.  Here is the link:
We look forward to seeing you all very soon!