Monday, August 19, 2013

Spinning Plates

We have a great meeting planned for this Thursday, August 22nd.  Guest speakers Jeff and Kristee Hinson will be talking about how to keep all of our plates spinning during this busy season of life, while still trying to keep our priorities in line.  The Dazzling Chaos table will providing HOT food and the Marvelous Wreck table will be providing COLD food.  Childcare check-in begins at 8:45am in the church lobby.

Upcoming Events:
Family Worship Night - August 23 (THIS FRIDAY) - more information here:
Top Chef Meeting - September 5 - *email your recipe template to your DGL
Bunco Night - September 12 at 7pm - * $5 gift card in your entry into the game

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

2013 Fall Semester is Here!!

Hi Ladies,

It's that time again, MOPS begins this Thursday!  

In preparation for the new year our BLOG has been updated, along with a new look.

We want this to be a resource for you to find what's happening with MOPS, upcoming events, food schedule, CCC events, etc.

This year we have many great speakers planned, some fun mom's night out activities, cute crafts to make and much more.  On Thursday you will have the opportunity to meet your table, get to know the ladies, enjoy some yummy breakfast, learn about MOPS this year and so much more.  Childcare check in will begin at 8:45 am in the church lobby, then we will meet upstairs in room B200.  

We are excited for this new year, and look forward to seeing you this week.


Thursday Morning Leadership Team