Monday, January 23, 2012

January 26 - Mom Feud

This Thursday is going to be a fun MOPS meeting!  In keeping with our game theme for the year, we will be playing a friendly game of Mom Feud.  Make sure to bring all of your best mommy knowledge to help your team win!  The Sorry table will be bringing HOT food and the Trivial Pursuit table will be bringing COLD food.  Child care check in begins at 8:45am so that we can get started at 9:00am.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Food Schedule

Hi Ladies,  
It was great to see you all yesterday, and we hope we helped get you on the right track to getting organized in 2012.
Here is the food schedule for this semester for those of you who were inquiring yesterday.  

Meeting                      Hot Food                    Cold Food
January 12                 Steering Team            Steering Team          
January 26                 Sorry                         Trivial Pursuit
February 9                Candyland                  Clue
February 23              Scrabble Jr                 Sorry
March 8                    Trivial Pursuit              Candyland
April 5                      Clue                            Scrabble Jr
April 19                    Steering Team             Steering Team
May 3                      All Tables                    All Tables

Have a wonderful weekend, and see you at our next meeting! 

Steering Team

Monday, January 9, 2012

This Week

Happy New Year MOPS moms!

We are excited to kick off the spring semester this Thursday, January 12.  Our first meeting will allow time for you to catch up with your table, enjoy some breakfast, and share tips on organizing our schedules.  As we head into 2012, it is a great time to look at ways we can make our hectic schedules a little more manageable.  Remember that childcare check-in begins at 8:45am so that we can get started at 9am.  We look forward to seeing you this Thursday.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Spring Registration is open!

Hi Ladies!
Registration is currently open for the MOPS spring semester.  Childcare is free, but space is limited so we ask that if you are planning to return, and we hope you are, that you hurry and register!  
Please click here to register

Looking forward to see you at our first meeting in the new year.
The Steering Team